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But they go or not is another matter. Nearly noon, Lin Jian last any connection with any breeze account of a few, has set up a ruler piercing away. Any breeze because you want to settle a number of rivers and lakes on the bonds of the past, did not tell Lin Jian went to the rooftop to go. Lin Jian finished door division task, do not want too much delay, after Xuan Yang door is the home of the louis vuitton outlet heart. Any breeze looking at the endless sky softly Yi Tan, two steps back to the temple to the snow line. Off his sword, to sit down, any breeze pulled out a book of arms wire-bound booklet and began to read.

Of course,discount louis vuitton, such exercises are more common on the roof mainland, and similar, is not a baby. Lin Jian can easily stay a down. The last few pages of the booklet also recorded three simple basic spell, the Yufeng decision, the day eye surgery and the mysterious fire technique. Yufeng decision, as the name implies: to use the line as Yufeng, is qi of Xiuxian by, on their way to escape the necessary spells. Any breeze and look closely, actually found this technique is much the same with the general arena mention longitudinal surgery! The eye in the sky surgery is relatively simple, spiritual power (Aura body for short) through a particular Dharma, gathering to the top of the eyes, an auxiliary Spell used to observe the aura of your body!

In addition,louis vuitton shoes, this technique is just a small Dharma, only low-level monks practical. It is said that as long as the high-end Cultivation idea of ​​a move, you can probably repair order probing of the other! Mysterious fire last surgery, surgery body Reiki through the meridians from your fingers to release the spiritual power away from the body in the air instantly intense expansion to produce high temperature and thus the formation of the so-called mysterious fire ignition Reiki. The caster then quickly drive a burning flame attack to the target. Continuous mysterious fire burning near the body, a mysterious fire flame heat generated by it is will burn, unless the caster is a high-end Cultivation!

